Sunday, July 13, 2008

Weekend Spending - OUCH

I think this weekend has caused me to go over in almost every category. I have spent relentlessly. But on things that I had to spend on.

I finally, I mean FINALLY, got my oil changed. Along with the oil change, I needed new windshield wipers and an air filter. Grand total at the shop - $75.16.

Then lunch on Saturday at a bbq restaurant for the bf and I - $12.60. A friend from high school of the bf's just opened this bbq restaurant and we told him that we would check it out.

Dinner Saturday night: $49.32. This included rib eye steak, baked potatoes, salad, and apple pie with ice cream for 3. It was delicious. We were cooking out at a friend's house.

Then the bf and I went on our weekly run to the grocery store (Walmart). We spent a lot. I hope that it is going to last us through most of the month because my grocery budget is minimal. For $126.35 (the bf and I split this, so my part wasn't this much) we got:

Brown Rice,
8 x 8 baking pan,
Fudge Ice Cream Pops,
3 lbs ground turkey,
2 cans of Tomato Sauce,
Mozzarella Cheese,
6 Smart Ones,
Pepper Jack Chicken Dinner,
Hot Dog Buns,
3 Bell Peppers,
2 boxes of Corn Bread Mix,
Taco Dinner Kit,
Onion Powder,
Onion Salt,
Garlic Powder,
Onion Soup Mix,
5 lbs hamburger meat,
24 pack diet coke,
Shaving Cream,
All Detergent,
Dirty Rice,
Trash Bags

Grand Total for the Weekend - $207.43

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